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- صور العاب
- صور حروب وأسلحة
- صور علوم وتكنولوجيا
اختصارات برنامج اليستريتور-Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts

Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts
اختصارات برنامج اليستريتور-Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts
جميع اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح لبرنامج اليستريتور
اختصارات برنامج اليستريتور-Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts
جميع اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح لبرنامج اليستريتور

Selecting tools
V Selection tool + –
A Direct Selection tool + –
Y Magic Wand tool + –
Q Lasso tool + –
P Pen tool + –
=+ (plus) Add Anchor Point tool + –
=- (minus) Delete Anchor Point tool + –
Shft + C Convert Anchor Point tool + –
T Type tool + –
\ (backslash) Line Segment tool + –
M Rectangle tool + –
L Ellipse tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
B Paintbrush tool + –
N Pencil tool + –
R Rotate tool + –
O Reflect tool + –
S Scale tool + –
Shft + R Warp tool + –
E Free Transform tool + –
Shft + S Symbol Sprayer tool + –
J Column Graph tool + –
U Mesh tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
G Gradient tool + –
I Eyedropper tool + –
W Blend tool + –
K Live Paint Bucket tool + –
Shft + L Live Paint Selection tool + –
Shft + O Crop Area tool + –
Shft + K Slice tool + –
Shft + E Eraser tool + –
C Scissors tool + –
H Hand tool + –
Z Zoom tool + –
Viewing artwork
F Toggle between screen modes: Standard, Full,Full with menu bar, and Maximized + –
Double-click Hand tool Fit imageable area in window + –
Double-click Zoom tool Magnify 100% + –
Spacebar Switch to Hand tool (when not in text-edit mode) + –
Ctrl + Spacebar Switch to Zoom tool in magnify mode + –
Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar Switch to Zoom tool in reduce mode + –
Spacebar Move Zoom marquee while dragging with theZoom tool + –
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + 3 Hide unselected artwork + –
Alt-drag guide Convert between horizontal and vertical guide in Adobe Illustrator + –
Ctrl + Shft-double-click guide Release guide + –
Shft-drag Constrain a shape's proportions or orientation to: equal height and width for rectangles, rounded rectangles,ellipses, and grids Increments of 45º for line and arc segments Original orientation for polygons, stars, and flares + –
spacebar-drag Move a shape while drawing it + –
Alt-drag Draw from the center of a shape (except for polygons, stars, and flares) + –
Start dragging, then press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Increase or decrease polygon sides, star points,arc angle, spiral winds, or flare rays + –
Start dragging, then hold down Ctrl Keep the inner radius of a star constant + –
Alt-drag Keep the sides of a star straight + –
Start dragging, then hold down C Switch between an open and closed arc + –
Start dragging, then hold down F Flip an arc, keeping the reference point constant + –
Alt-drag Add or subtract winds from a spiral while increasing the length of the spiral + –
Ctrl-drag Change the decay rate of a spiral + –
Alt-click Live Trace in the Ctrl panel, or hold down Alt and select a tracing preset. Add or remove horizontal lines from a rectangular grid or concentric lines from a polar grid + –
Start dragging, then press the Right Arrow or Left Arrow Add or remove vertical lines from a rectangular grid or radial lines from a polar grid + –
Start dragging, then press F Decrease the skew value for horizontal dividers in a rectangular grid or radial dividers in a polar grid by 10% + –
Start dragging, then press V Increase the skew value for horizontal dividers in a rectangular grid or radial dividers in a polar grid by 10% + –
Start dragging, then press X Decrease the skew value for vertical dividers in a rectangular grid or concentric dividers in a polar grid by 10% + –
Start dragging, then press C Increase the skew value for vertical dividers in a rectangular grid or concentric dividers in a polar grid by 10% + –
Alt-click Live Trace in the Ctrl panel, or hold down Alt and select a tracing preset. Create and expand a Live Trace object in one step + –
Ctrl Switch to last-used selection tool (Selection tool,Direct Selection tool, or Group Selection tool) in Adobe Illustrator + –
Alt Switch between Direct Selection tool and Group Selection tool + –
Shft-click Add to a selection with Selection tool,Direct Selection tool, Group Selection tool, Live Paint Selection tool, or Magic Wand tool + –
Shft-click Subtract a selection with Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, Group Selection tool, or Live Paint Selection tool + –
Alt-click Subtract from selection with Magic Wand tool + –
Shft-drag Add to selection with Lasso tool + –
Alt-drag Subtract from selection with Lasso tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
Caps Lock Change pointer to cross hair for selected tools + –
Moving selections
Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow Move selection in user-defined increments + –
Shft + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow Move selection in 10x user-defined increments in Adobe Illustrator + –
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + 2 Lock all deselected artwork + –
Hold down Shft Constrain movement to 45º angle (except whenusing Reflect tool) + –
Editing shapes
Alt Switch Pen tool to Convert Anchor Point tool + –
Alt Switch between Add Anchor Point tool and Delete Anchor Point tool + –
Alt Switch Scissors tool to Add Anchor Point tool + –
Alt Switch Pencil tool to Smooth tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
Spacebar-drag Move current anchor point while drawing with Pen tool + –
Alt-drag Cut a straight line with Knife tool + –
Shft + Alt-drag Cut at 45º or 90º with Knife tool + –
Alt + Shape mode Turn shape mode buttons in Pathfinder panelinto Pathfinder commands + –
Painting objects
X Toggle between fill and stroke in Adobe Illustrator + –
D Set fill and stroke to default + –
Shft + X Swap fill and stroke + –
> Select gradient fill mode + –
< Select color fill mode + –
/ (forward slash) Select no stroke/fill mode + –
Shft + Eyedropper tool Sample color from an image or intermediatecolor from gradient + –
Alt + Shft-click + Eyedropper tool Sample style and append appearance of currentlyselected item + –
Ctrl + / (forward slash) Add new fill + –
Ctrl + Alt + / (forward slash) Add new stroke + –
Ctrl-click gradient button in Tools panel or Gradient panel Reset gradient to black and white in Adobe Illustrator + –
Working with Live Paint groups
Alt-click Live Paint Bucket tool Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample fill and/or stroke + –
Alt Shft-click Live Paint Bucket tool Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample color from an image or intermediate color from a gradient + –
Shft Live Paint Bucket tool Select opposite Live Paint Bucket tool options(if Paint Fills and Paint Strokes are currently selected, switch to Paint Fills only) + –
Double-click + Live Paint Bucket tool Fill across unstroked edges into adjacent faces + –
Triple-click Live Paint Bucket tool Fill all faces that have same fill and strok eall edges that have same stroke in Adobe Illustrator + –
Alt-click + Live Paint Selection tool Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample fill and/orstroke + –
Alt + Shft-click + Live Paint Selectiontool Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample color froman image or intermediate color from a gradient + –
Shft-click + Live Paint Selection tool Add to/subtract from a selection + –
Double-click + Live Paint Selection tool Select all connected faces /edges with same fill/stroke + –
Triple-click Live Paint Selection tool Select all faces/edges with same fill/stroke in Adobe Illustrator + –
Transforming objects
Alt-click Set origin point and open dialog box when using Rotate tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool + –
Alt-drag Duplicate and transform selection when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool + –
Tilde (~)-drag Transform pattern (independent of object) when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
Working with type
Right Arrow or Left Arrow Move one character right or left + –
Up Arrow or Down Arrow Move up or down one line + –
Ctrl + Right Arrow or Left Arrow Move one word right or left + –
Ctrl + Up Arrow or Down Arrow Move up or down one paragraph + –
Shft Ctrl Right Arrow or Left Arrow Select one word right or left when working with Adobe Illustrator type + –
Shft + Ctrl + Up Arrow or Down Arrow Select one paragraph before or after + –
Shft-click Extend existing selection + –
Ctrl + Shft + L, R, or C Align paragraph left, right, or center + –
Ctrl + Shft + J Justify paragraph + –
Shft + Enter Insertsoft return + –
Ctrl + Alt + K Highlight kerning + –
Ctrl Shft X Reset horizontal scale to 100% when working with Adobe Illustrator type + –
Ctrl + Shft + > or < Increase or decrease type size + –
Alt + Up or Down Arrow (horizontal text) or Right or Left Arrow (vertical text) Increase or decrease leading + –
Double-click leading icon in the Character panel Set leading to the type size + –
Ctrl + Alt + Q Reset tracking/kerning to 0 + –
V Selection tool + –
A Direct Selection tool + –
Y Magic Wand tool + –
Q Lasso tool + –
P Pen tool + –
=+ (plus) Add Anchor Point tool + –
=- (minus) Delete Anchor Point tool + –
Shft + C Convert Anchor Point tool + –
T Type tool + –
\ (backslash) Line Segment tool + –
M Rectangle tool + –
L Ellipse tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
B Paintbrush tool + –
N Pencil tool + –
R Rotate tool + –
O Reflect tool + –
S Scale tool + –
Shft + R Warp tool + –
E Free Transform tool + –
Shft + S Symbol Sprayer tool + –
J Column Graph tool + –
U Mesh tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
G Gradient tool + –
I Eyedropper tool + –
W Blend tool + –
K Live Paint Bucket tool + –
Shft + L Live Paint Selection tool + –
Shft + O Crop Area tool + –
Shft + K Slice tool + –
Shft + E Eraser tool + –
C Scissors tool + –
H Hand tool + –
Z Zoom tool + –
Viewing artwork
F Toggle between screen modes: Standard, Full,Full with menu bar, and Maximized + –
Double-click Hand tool Fit imageable area in window + –
Double-click Zoom tool Magnify 100% + –
Spacebar Switch to Hand tool (when not in text-edit mode) + –
Ctrl + Spacebar Switch to Zoom tool in magnify mode + –
Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar Switch to Zoom tool in reduce mode + –
Spacebar Move Zoom marquee while dragging with theZoom tool + –
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + 3 Hide unselected artwork + –
Alt-drag guide Convert between horizontal and vertical guide in Adobe Illustrator + –
Ctrl + Shft-double-click guide Release guide + –
Shft-drag Constrain a shape's proportions or orientation to: equal height and width for rectangles, rounded rectangles,ellipses, and grids Increments of 45º for line and arc segments Original orientation for polygons, stars, and flares + –
spacebar-drag Move a shape while drawing it + –
Alt-drag Draw from the center of a shape (except for polygons, stars, and flares) + –
Start dragging, then press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Increase or decrease polygon sides, star points,arc angle, spiral winds, or flare rays + –
Start dragging, then hold down Ctrl Keep the inner radius of a star constant + –
Alt-drag Keep the sides of a star straight + –
Start dragging, then hold down C Switch between an open and closed arc + –
Start dragging, then hold down F Flip an arc, keeping the reference point constant + –
Alt-drag Add or subtract winds from a spiral while increasing the length of the spiral + –
Ctrl-drag Change the decay rate of a spiral + –
Alt-click Live Trace in the Ctrl panel, or hold down Alt and select a tracing preset. Add or remove horizontal lines from a rectangular grid or concentric lines from a polar grid + –
Start dragging, then press the Right Arrow or Left Arrow Add or remove vertical lines from a rectangular grid or radial lines from a polar grid + –
Start dragging, then press F Decrease the skew value for horizontal dividers in a rectangular grid or radial dividers in a polar grid by 10% + –
Start dragging, then press V Increase the skew value for horizontal dividers in a rectangular grid or radial dividers in a polar grid by 10% + –
Start dragging, then press X Decrease the skew value for vertical dividers in a rectangular grid or concentric dividers in a polar grid by 10% + –
Start dragging, then press C Increase the skew value for vertical dividers in a rectangular grid or concentric dividers in a polar grid by 10% + –
Alt-click Live Trace in the Ctrl panel, or hold down Alt and select a tracing preset. Create and expand a Live Trace object in one step + –
Ctrl Switch to last-used selection tool (Selection tool,Direct Selection tool, or Group Selection tool) in Adobe Illustrator + –
Alt Switch between Direct Selection tool and Group Selection tool + –
Shft-click Add to a selection with Selection tool,Direct Selection tool, Group Selection tool, Live Paint Selection tool, or Magic Wand tool + –
Shft-click Subtract a selection with Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, Group Selection tool, or Live Paint Selection tool + –
Alt-click Subtract from selection with Magic Wand tool + –
Shft-drag Add to selection with Lasso tool + –
Alt-drag Subtract from selection with Lasso tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
Caps Lock Change pointer to cross hair for selected tools + –
Moving selections
Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow Move selection in user-defined increments + –
Shft + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow Move selection in 10x user-defined increments in Adobe Illustrator + –
Ctrl + Alt + Shft + 2 Lock all deselected artwork + –
Hold down Shft Constrain movement to 45º angle (except whenusing Reflect tool) + –
Editing shapes
Alt Switch Pen tool to Convert Anchor Point tool + –
Alt Switch between Add Anchor Point tool and Delete Anchor Point tool + –
Alt Switch Scissors tool to Add Anchor Point tool + –
Alt Switch Pencil tool to Smooth tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
Spacebar-drag Move current anchor point while drawing with Pen tool + –
Alt-drag Cut a straight line with Knife tool + –
Shft + Alt-drag Cut at 45º or 90º with Knife tool + –
Alt + Shape mode Turn shape mode buttons in Pathfinder panelinto Pathfinder commands + –
Painting objects
X Toggle between fill and stroke in Adobe Illustrator + –
D Set fill and stroke to default + –
Shft + X Swap fill and stroke + –
> Select gradient fill mode + –
< Select color fill mode + –
/ (forward slash) Select no stroke/fill mode + –
Shft + Eyedropper tool Sample color from an image or intermediatecolor from gradient + –
Alt + Shft-click + Eyedropper tool Sample style and append appearance of currentlyselected item + –
Ctrl + / (forward slash) Add new fill + –
Ctrl + Alt + / (forward slash) Add new stroke + –
Ctrl-click gradient button in Tools panel or Gradient panel Reset gradient to black and white in Adobe Illustrator + –
Working with Live Paint groups
Alt-click Live Paint Bucket tool Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample fill and/or stroke + –
Alt Shft-click Live Paint Bucket tool Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample color from an image or intermediate color from a gradient + –
Shft Live Paint Bucket tool Select opposite Live Paint Bucket tool options(if Paint Fills and Paint Strokes are currently selected, switch to Paint Fills only) + –
Double-click + Live Paint Bucket tool Fill across unstroked edges into adjacent faces + –
Triple-click Live Paint Bucket tool Fill all faces that have same fill and strok eall edges that have same stroke in Adobe Illustrator + –
Alt-click + Live Paint Selection tool Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample fill and/orstroke + –
Alt + Shft-click + Live Paint Selectiontool Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample color froman image or intermediate color from a gradient + –
Shft-click + Live Paint Selection tool Add to/subtract from a selection + –
Double-click + Live Paint Selection tool Select all connected faces /edges with same fill/stroke + –
Triple-click Live Paint Selection tool Select all faces/edges with same fill/stroke in Adobe Illustrator + –
Transforming objects
Alt-click Set origin point and open dialog box when using Rotate tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool + –
Alt-drag Duplicate and transform selection when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool + –
Tilde (~)-drag Transform pattern (independent of object) when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool in Adobe Illustrator + –
Working with type
Right Arrow or Left Arrow Move one character right or left + –
Up Arrow or Down Arrow Move up or down one line + –
Ctrl + Right Arrow or Left Arrow Move one word right or left + –
Ctrl + Up Arrow or Down Arrow Move up or down one paragraph + –
Shft Ctrl Right Arrow or Left Arrow Select one word right or left when working with Adobe Illustrator type + –
Shft + Ctrl + Up Arrow or Down Arrow Select one paragraph before or after + –
Shft-click Extend existing selection + –
Ctrl + Shft + L, R, or C Align paragraph left, right, or center + –
Ctrl + Shft + J Justify paragraph + –
Shft + Enter Insertsoft return + –
Ctrl + Alt + K Highlight kerning + –
Ctrl Shft X Reset horizontal scale to 100% when working with Adobe Illustrator type + –
Ctrl + Shft + > or < Increase or decrease type size + –
Alt + Up or Down Arrow (horizontal text) or Right or Left Arrow (vertical text) Increase or decrease leading + –
Double-click leading icon in the Character panel Set leading to the type size + –
Ctrl + Alt + Q Reset tracking/kerning to 0 + –
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